Downloads & Resources

Thank you once more for joining us on this wonderful adventure to save humanity from itself and our planet from eminent self destruction!! We are grateful!! And we are Excited!! Let's keep going and build a marvelous future together!!

Here are the various things we have for you... and this pile will grow fairly substantially over the next several months as we finish everything we are working on for you 😀

Thanks in advance for your patience as we gather the best of everything we have for you into a phenomenal database of useful things that will help you move faster and farther quicker than you thought possible. (Plus we have to figure this new tool out and just exactally how to get it to download for you from here, we'll have it figured out in a day or two)

Several calendars for you to use for planning your year, your crops, your schedules and your rotations and anything else you use your calendar for :)
Several calendars for you to use for planning your year, your crops, your schedules and your rotations and anything else you use your calendar for 🙂